St Mark's CE Primary School

School Meals

At St Mark's, children can have a school meal or bring a healthy packed lunch to school. Children have the choice between a meat or vegetarian option, pasta, jacket potato or a sandwich each day.

The Pantry are our school caterers, and they operate a parent ordering system where you choose your child’s meal daily, weekly or termly.  The deadline for lunch to be ordered or an amended is 9.00 am.

Please cancel your lunch order if your child is absent from school.

The process of cancelling a meal is simple:

  • Log into your account
  • Click on the relevant date 'Select Meal' box to deselect the meal
  • Your previous meal choice will disappear
  • Click 'Amend Order'

We ask that every parent sign up to The Pantry ordering system, even if you provide your child with a packed lunch from home. 

Packed lunches for school trips can also be ordered from The Pantry and trip-specific emails will be sent to parents in advance.

The Pantry will send parents an invitation to sign-up to their ordering system when children join the school, please check your SPAM folder in case the email is sent there instead of your Inbox.

Should you encounter difficulties or have any questions relating to your child’s meals, please contact The Pantry direct on 020 8813 7040 or email

Their website contains further information. 

menu st marks.pdf


The Mayor of London has extended the funding of Universal Free School Meals until July 2025 to help with the cost of living crisis. More information can be seen below. 

This is only partially funded by the Mayor's Office, schools make up any difference. Please ensure you cancel any unwanted meals to help save valuable school funds.

ufsm letter to families january 2024.pdf

 However it is advisable that you still apply for Pupil Premium Free School Meals if you feel you qualify. Further information can be found by scrolling down this page.

Your child can have a mixed meal pattern but this must remain unchanged for a half term period: i.e. Packed lunch Monday - Thursday, School Meal on Friday. This consistency will help keep lunchtimes efficient and safe.

REMEMBER....We are a Nut Free School - A reminder that our school endeavours, as far as possible, to be a nut-free school. We have a number of students in school who have severe nut allergies and can be seriously affected by someone else who is eating - or may have recently eaten - nuts. Even if you eat a product containing nuts, this can have a serious effect on a student later on in the classroom.

Pupil Premium Free School Meals

You may be eligible to apply for funding called the Pupil Premium grant. By applying for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) you could earn an extra £1320 for our school that will contribute to a range of interventions depending on your child's needs.  All your child's school trips and visits will be paid for from this fund including two residential trips that total over £700 (as at July 2023).

You can apply for Free School Meals in the following ways:

  • The preferred method is to apply for free school meals using the link below to the Bromley council website and click on apply online: 

Free School Meal - Online Application Form

  • Alternatively click on the link below to download the application form and notes and then return the completed form to the school office

Free School Meals - Download Application Form