St Mark's CE Primary School

Attendance & Punctuality



Without good attendance and punctuality, children will struggle to learn.  Information about why this is the case can found using the links below.

Attendance Information Punctuality


Absence during term time can only be authorised under exceptional circumstances. If parents wish to request an exceptional leave of absence, the form below should be completed and returned to the school office with documentation supporting the reason for the request.  The Headteacher’s decision will be communicated via email.

The following should be read before making any application:

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 states that Head Teacher may not authorise any leave of absence (i.e. holiday taken in term time). They are only allowed to consider a leave of absence if the circumstances are classed as exceptional, i.e. compassionate grounds and permission has been requested to the Head Teacher.

In accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1996, parents and carers have a duty to ensure their children attend school regularly and if they fail to do this, they may be prosecuted.   

A Penalty Notice, which is issued individually to a parent or carer for each child, shall be for the sum of £160 (reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days for the first offence).  If a parent received a second penalty notice within a rolling three year period, the fine is £160 and there is no option to pay the fine at a reduced rate.   Non-payment of a Penalty Notice within the  timeline set out by  London Borough of Bromley may result in court case proceedings.

application for exceptional leave form september 2024.pdf

 Keep Your Child Well This Winter 2024


St Mark's Attendance Policy 2024 2025 Effective 190824