Subject Leader: Mrs Kenward
At St Mark’s CE Primary School, although students have one timetabled lesson of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) each week, we believe it underpins the entire curriculum. We currently use the curriculum framework from Coram life, called SCARF, this is supported by a yearly visit from them to provide workshops for different year groups. SCARF provides the framework for a whole-school approach to improving children’s wellbeing and progress, based on five values:
Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship
SCARF provides a whole-school teaching framework centred on the ‘Growth Mindset’ approach – promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. The SCARF values are brought to life through stories of Harold the giraffe and his friends, songs, films, and thought-provoking and fun activities. As children get older, while they still cherish Harold, themes about wellbeing and relationships are explored in greater depth and resources are tailored to their age group.
SCARF provides a strong foundation for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC) and development; it is at the heart of the SCARF curriculum. SCARF provides a robust framework for promoting a positive ethos and values cross the school community, contributing significantly to British Values education, both explicitly and implicitly. The themes explored are:
- Me and my Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Safe
- Rights and Respect
- Being my Best
- Growing and changing
These themes help foster and develop children’s responsibility for their own actions; respect for the actions and beliefs of others; an understanding of how each individual is protected by the rule of law; and how everyone can make a positive contribution to society through the democratic process.
Throughout the course of the year the PHSE curriculum is enhanced through participation in:
- Workshops provided by Coram/Scarf (whole school)
- Puberty and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Workshops (Years 5,6)
- Whole school awareness days/weeks, e.g. Anti-Bullying Week, Children’s Mental Health Week etc.
- Involvement of ‘Bromley Y’, providing assemblies and workshops.
- Zones of regulation. All children have been taught about the zones of regulation and are encouraged to recognise how they are feeling each day. They have been taught different strategies to deal with different emotions.
- First Aid lessons. We use resources from The Red Cross to support basic first aid training for the children.
PSHE Progression
pshe skills and knowledge progression map.pdf
Teachers are well skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Daily planning considers individual pupil’s needs and requirements, and adaptive teaching is used where appropriate.
A range of adaptations are considered to promote equality of access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning. Grouping arrangements are organised flexibly with opportunities for both ability and mixed setting to maximise learning opportunities for all.