St Mark's CE Primary School


Subject Leaders: Mrs Norsworthy

Our aim is to enrich the future stewards of our planet and to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to look after this world. All children will explore physical and human Geography to understand where we are in the world and to ensure it is a place for future generations to enjoy.

At St Mark's we follow Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme of work.  "The scheme aims to inspire pupils to become curious and explorative thinkers with a diverse knowledge of the world; in other words, to think like a geographer. We want pupils to develop the confidence to question and observe places, measure and record necessary data in various ways, and analyse and present their findings. Through our scheme of work, we aim to build an awareness of how Geography shapes our lives at multiple scales and over time. We hope to encourage pupils to become resourceful, active citizens who will have the skills to contribute to and improve the world around them."


Geography Progression

geography progression document aquinas complete.pdf


Long Term Plans

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



Teachers are well skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Daily planning considers individual pupil’s needs and requirements, and adaptive teaching is used where appropriate.

A range of adaptations are considered to promote equality of access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning. Grouping arrangements are organised flexibly with opportunities for both ability and mixed setting to maximise learning opportunities for all.

geography sen.pdf