St Mark's CE Primary School


Subject Leaders: Mrs Kolseth, Mrs Hughes and Miss Bassett

At St Mark's we believe that literacy and communication are key life skills and are crucial to a high quality education, equipping our children with the tools they need to participate fully as an articulate member of society. Through the literacy curriculum with its clear path of progression, we will enable children to communicate effectively, coherently and creatively through spoken and written language and provide them with the skills to become lifelong learners.

The desire to inspire a love of reading drives our curriculum; we introduce children to a rich, wide and varied literary heritage.  We also explore texts from diverse cultures and use non-fiction texts to inspire writing across the curriculum.  We want our children to produce ‘beautiful’ work and therefore handwriting and presentation are also a key focus, along with equipping them with the editing skills to be self-regulators of their writing process. 

Literacy (ID 1070)


























Beautiful Work

Beautiful Work from Years 3, 4 & 5



Teachers are well skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Daily planning considers individual pupil’s needs and requirements, and adaptive teaching is used where appropriate.

A range of adaptations are considered to promote equality of access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning. Grouping arrangements are organised flexibly with opportunities for both ability and mixed setting to maximise learning opportunities for all.

literacy sen 2.pdf