Who is the best person to speak to?
I have a query about my child’s learning…
- Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk
- If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
- If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I have a query about SATS and assessment…
- Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk
- If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
- If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I have a query about my child’s behaviour…
- Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk.
- They may ask you to speak to the Inclusion Leader or Family Liaison Worker.
- If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
- If you still have a query, speak to Miss Chaplin.
I have a query about an incident that happened in class/on the playground…
- Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk
- If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
- If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I have a query about a particular subject area…
- Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk
- If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
- If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I have a query about the day-to-day school organisation…
- Email the School Office at admin@st-marks.bromley.sch.uk or telephone on 020 8460 0524.
I have a concern about a particular member of staff…
- Contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I have a concern about Safeguarding…
- Contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Miss Titmus), Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
I need advice about a family matter…
- Contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with the Family Liaison Officer.
Please email or telephone the school office if you wish to speak to a member of staff; using admin@stmarks.bromley.sch.uk or 020 8460 0524 and they will arrange for a member of staff to contact you.
Dojo Messaging
Please only use this for informal/nonessential messages. Dojo messages are not checked throughout the day. If a message is sent via Dojo messaging which should follow more formal communication lines, you will be asked to resend it via admin@stmarks.bromley.sch.uk.