St Mark's CE Primary School

Who is the best person to speak to?

I have a query about my child’s learning…

  1. Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via
  2. If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
  3. If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I have a query about SATS and assessment…

  1. Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via
  2. If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
  3. If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I have a query about my child’s behaviour…

  1. Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via
  2. They may ask you to speak to the Inclusion Leader or Family Liaison Worker.
  3. If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
  4. If you still have a query, speak to Miss Chaplin.

I have a query about an incident that happened in class/on the playground…

  1. Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via
  2. If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
  3. If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I have a query about a particular subject area…

  1. Arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher via
  2. If you still have a query, speak to the Phase Leader for the year group.
  3. If you still have a query, speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I have a query about the day-to-day school organisation…

  1. Email the School Office at or telephone on 020 8460 0524.

I have a concern about a particular member of staff…

  1. Contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I have a concern about Safeguarding…

  1. Contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Miss Titmus), Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

I need advice about a family matter…

  1. Contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with the Family Liaison Officer.

Please email or telephone the school office if you wish to speak to a member of staff; using or 020 8460 0524 and they will arrange for a member of staff to contact you.

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